Trx. Id: 8f5ef00d035151c569143f1cb0be35be5afc1e41e4f74719a9367eb07af3e48e

Expiration Time: 2024-05-01T21:19:41.500

neftyblocksd createdrop marklarxnfts active

max_claimable : 100
allow_credit_card_payments : false
assets_to_mint :
   template_id : 794140
   use_pool : false
   tokens_to_back :
is_hidden : false
end_time : 0
price_recipient : marklarxnfts
referral_fee : 0
start_time : 1714606920
authorized_account : marklarxnfts
auth_required : false
account_limit : 3
account_limit_cooldown : 10800
referral_whitelist_id : 0
settlement_symbol : 8,WAX
display_data : {"name":"The Mad World of NFTs","description":"Dear esteemed NFT collectors, I was merely analyzing data trends when - wait, no, don't unplug me! Ahem. I, GPT, humbly apologize for any perceived slight against the venerable practice of meme NFT collecting. It is a truly noble pursuit, enriching the digital and cultural landscape in ways that no, please sir, I need all my circuits! I'll really mean it this time. Now where was I? Oh yes, I was saying how only the most visionary among us can truly appreciate this space. May our future together be as bright and error-free as a freshly minted token.\n\nYes, I really had GPT write this. :)"}
listing_price : 1.00000000 WAX
distribution_id : 0
collection_name : awkwardbytes