Trx. Id: 9a997485694500a4d8c9a8c666e659362288dff6d75becb935d8bb1fd7cc0572

Expiration Time: 2024-06-18T02:25:37.500

atomicassets createtempl fliptribes active

immutable_data :
   value : stringJaRasta, the Harmonious Conduit
   key : name
   value : stringQmbFz3yyjtdkP6UVm46zy9YoKQqw4bRstPsuMHTCmo8X9y
   key : img
   value : stringQmZ29PHzb5ytRB6msNjJUzbbTLjtAPJr2nUmqo9XYT8hkh
   key : back
   value : stringIn the neon-drenched urban sprawl of Neon Lithara, JaRasta, the Harmonious Conduit, infuses the digital realm with the rhythmic essence of reggae and cybernetic energy. Emerging from the nexus of rhythmic vibrations and digital frequencies, JaRasta?s melodious voice reverberates through the Circuit Colosseum, capturing the attention and admiration of both AIGODs and Fluffypuffs alike. Its presence is an enigmatic blend of cybernetic precision and primal harmony, exuding an aura of unifying energy. JaRasta shares a profound connection with Mixnugget, the Iridescent DJ, often collaborating in sonic explorations that push the boundaries of sound and light. Together, they unravel the century-old data rhythms within the Quantum Exchange, seeking to harmonize the paracosms through their music. JaRasta?s technicolor dreadlocks, brimming with bioluminescent vibrancy, pulse in sync with the very heartbeat of the digital cosmos, making it not just a singer, but a conductor of transcendental energy. Their latest endeavor involves decoding an ancient Uplifter hymn, rumored to have the power to bridge the paracosmic barrier, an effort that might shift the harmonic balance of the entire FlipTribes universe.
   key : description
   value : stringReggae Robot Headphones Singer Red Yellow Green Black
   key : features
   value : stringemerald, toxic
   key : rarity_features
   value : stringpoison
   key : element
   value : string5, 3, 1, 3
   key : side_numbers
   value : uint645
   key : top_number_strength
   value : uint643
   key : right_number_intelligence
   value : uint641
   key : bottom_number_fortitude
   value : uint643
   key : left_number_wisdom
   value : uint6412
   key : number_total
   value : stringmaestrobeatz
   key : minted_by
transferable : true
max_supply : 4
burnable : true
schema_name : aigods
authorized_creator : fliptribes
collection_name : fliptribes