Trx. Id: a586da890105c334f16c7b7f74a8da7817fc56185a1c0adae8be88b1e38fc5fa

Expiration Time: 2024-03-22T10:58:14.000

labs.wax editprop imjohnatboid active

road_map : The technology has already been developed. We are looking for funding to support our development time and ongoing maintenance of the service (running the servers, adding more NFT libraries, additional development work to resolve bugs). Currently we are already proving Wax full node, firehose, and light proof servers to provide the token bridge functionality. We are requesting 120k WAX to cover these costs.
proposal_id : 192
mdbody :, Developed by the team and backed by Telos Works and Pomelo, has advanced IBC between Antelope chains by using backend servers, enhancing reliability and sustainability through fee collection. We are expanding to include NFT functionality, enabling cross-chain NFT transfers to boost interoperability. Currently we have already developed the smart contracts and UI which is operational between EOS and Telos using Boid NFTS. This funding request is to support any Atomicassets NFT collection transferability across Wax, EOS, and Telos chains. This effort aims to enrich the Wax ecosystem with diverse NFT offerings and establish connections with external markets.
image_url :
description : We are expanding to include NFT functionality, enabling cross-chain NFT transfers to boost interoperability and market reach.
title : IBC NFT Bridge from the Boid team
category : other
estimated_time : 1