Trx. Id: e5ff04bf680167a7aad810bab0f3a434bbc879e92a913706386756c90cb5106f

Expiration Time: 2024-03-04T09:40:54.000

neftyblocksd setdropdata boxmazeworld active

authorized_account : boxmazeworld
drop_id : 213987
display_data : {"name":"Random Steam Game Key - Tier 2","description":"This NFT is non-transferable.\nThe key will be attached to the NFT as Unlockable Content after minting, please allow a few hours for this to be done as it is done manually.\nYou can also just let me know on Discord that you have purchased one and I will add the key.\nThe game you will unlock is completely unknown, even by myself, only once you redeem the key on Steam will it show what game you have unlocked.\n\nGood Luck!"}