Trx. Id: f355f87e8827c25b3be3d6e1f283db6ee4a8d2516bbb67a6f78502b676f46cfd

Expiration Time: 2024-01-18T03:16:12.000

neftyblocksd createdrop kjzby.wam active

max_claimable : 0
allow_credit_card_payments : false
assets_to_mint :
   template_id : 776681
   use_pool : false
   tokens_to_back :
is_hidden : false
end_time : 0
price_recipient : jumbie.bag
referral_fee : 0.12
start_time : 1705564740
authorized_account : kjzby.wam
auth_required : false
account_limit : 2
account_limit_cooldown : 5443200
referral_whitelist_id : 0
settlement_symbol : 8,WAX
display_data : {"name":"Tree of Life: Tiferet (Beauty)","description":"Cooldown will reset every 9 weeks.\n\n[First Upgrade:](\nUpgrading the [Tree of Life: Beginning](\n+[Sephirah: Malkuth]( +[Jumbie Coin](\n\n[Second Upgrade](\n[Third Upgrade](\n[Fourth Upgrade](\n\nSome future upgrades will collaborate with other artists to help the roots of the Tree of Life grow through the blockchain!\n\n[Plant your Upgraded Tree of Life]( to generate RGBits/HR\n\nEach week, a [Sephirah]( will be released that will be used to craft the next branch in the Tree of Life along with the knowledge that is held within it. \n\nEach [Upgrade]( will grow the Tree's strength and ability to generate RGBits / HR \n\nWhen the Tree of Life reaches it's maximum size, it will bear the fruit of knowledge in the form of a Growth Pack. \n\n### Upgrading to the Spectral Tree of Life:\n\nEach Sephirah of a **Full Grown Tree of Life** can be [Activated]( with RGBits to generate a small amount of [GROTON]( per Hour while also increasing [RGBits]( per Hour\n\n### Tree of Life Irrigation System:\nThe Tree of Life WAX Farm is part of the [Jumbie Art Sharing Contract]( which will add a % of WAX generated by the entire Jumbie Art NFT Ecosystem that will grow for 9 weeks.\n\n\nThese NFTs aren't just collectibles; they're keys to a universe of knowledge. Unlock the secrets of the Tree of Life as we delve into the interconnected web of existence and spirituality, where every NFT serves as a window into the divine emanations.\n\nBut the journey doesn't end with collection. Engage in the alchemy of blends, where the fusion of NFTs echoes the synthesis of divine attributes. Witness as the Sephiroth converge, creating new, enriched NFTs that deepen your understanding of the Tree of Life.\n\nJoin us on this immersive voyage, where art meets education, and NFTs become pathways to wisdom. Explore, collect, blend, and embark on an unforgettable odyssey through the mystical realms of the Tree of Life.\n\n[Discord](\n[Jumbie Art on X](\n[PFP RGBitSlots Drop](\n[DROPS]("}
listing_price : 3.33000000 WAX
distribution_id : 0
collection_name : jumbiewaxart