1102.08203130 WAX
UNSTAKED24.040,0000 WAX
STAKEDNET 0.0000 / CPU 0.0000
UNSTAKING1,07 ms. / 0,00 hr.
CPU 24.000,00 WAX0,25 KB / 0,01 GB
BANDWIDTH 40,00 WAX6,54 KB / 403,36 KB
985fe38671... | 310017049 |
csxcommunity voted for : Proxy: waxunderdogs Producers: |
c5cbce2c8d... | 310016996 |
eosio.voters -> csxcommunity 19.40696069 WAX | voter pay | |
c5cbce2c8d... | 310016996 |
owner : csxcommunity |
c5cbce2c8d... | 310016996 |
genesis.wax -> csxcommunity 7.12811064 WAX | claimgenesis | |
c5cbce2c8d... | 310016996 |
claimer : csxcommunity |
841d6735dc... | 255606760 |
ballot_name : oig.........c options : danishcrypto voter : csxcommunity |
841d6735dc... | 255606760 |
841d6735dc... | 255606760 |
voter : csxcommunity |
841d6735dc... | 255606760 |
voter : csxcommunity |
13e90c67d1... | 202072021 |
nationwanker -> csxcommunity 0.00000001 WAX | You will see me on the streets Shadow boxing the good kids; keep riding they have DECENT parents. Raining expect Panda Down LOL | |
936c6b64c7... | 202070209 |
nationwanker -> csxcommunity 0.00000001 WAX | You will see me on the streets Shadow boxing the good kids; keep riding they have DECENT parents. Raining expect Panda Down LOL | |
661b52b4be... | 202059578 |
nationwanker -> csxcommunity null | https://rave.dj/hMpogo_Adt-jwA | |
29828929ea... | 190345400 |
eosio.stake -> csxcommunity 423.95052041 WAX | unstake | |
29828929ea... | 190345400 |
owner : csxcommunity |
d34d5dbd44... | 189827007 |
amount : 29.30288015 receiver : csxcommunity unstake_net_quantity : 0 unstake_cpu_quantity : 29.30288015 from : csxcommunity |
244cd2456c... | 189826771 |
amount : 394.64764026 receiver : csxcommunity unstake_net_quantity : 394.64764026 unstake_cpu_quantity : 0 from : csxcommunity |
17854888b4... | 189824584 |
parent : auth : keys : weight : 1 key : PUB_K1_559RKXHEMKJQj72pR4qmQhJMxAeEEjaVeDh7zadfFbtWcjGueB threshold : 1 permission : owner account : csxcommunity |
17854888b4... | 189824584 |
parent : owner auth : keys : weight : 1 key : PUB_K1_5Zt4z4J3BSdSpZKY9rEsKrxUi8oHzNZm2Sx5xzuYHdamSSZXxG threshold : 1 permission : active account : csxcommunity |
ee3d45d859... | 189824081 |
amount : 58.6057603 stake_net_quantity : 29.30288015 transfer : true receiver : csxcommunity from : eosio.voters stake_cpu_quantity : 29.30288015 |
ee3d45d859... | 189824081 |
owner : csxcommunity |
ee3d45d859... | 189824081 |
genesis.wax -> csxcommunity 651.59643954 WAX | claimgenesis | |
ee3d45d859... | 189824081 |
claimer : csxcommunity |
894a313ed3... | 180806634 |
wordlewanker -> csxcommunity null | https://rave.dj/0Qb8JeDODS0C-Q :D | |
cc13fdfbbd... | 180572202 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
1466396408... | 180572192 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
e61ae38c5b... | 180572185 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
c7ed5fdd4e... | 180572175 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
dac4f80974... | 180572162 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
d72281b60d... | 180572150 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
eb825d902e... | 180572133 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
c8000f187e... | 180572123 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
4175726057... | 180572109 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
bbc21d86ad... | 180572093 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
50bc774958... | 180572081 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
03e16ca3f0... | 180572068 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
bb066e1f79... | 180572056 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
c743edb1ea... | 180572043 |
mebqy.wam -> csxcommunity null | STANFORD YOU full of cunts, shit support international students, PHD, wtf?! You are getting something very wrong! #shutelbitdown palestineaction.org, the good news for Peter Thiel #Abuse #Non-GDPR Compliant, Abuser's shit Politicians, Hitler shot himself! | |
c2ef519c73... | 162354427 |
immutable_data : backed_tokens : authorized_minter : waxpins immutable_template_data : value : stringQmXwPL1Yeu2PgskvhfHAvwqPK7VR88RjgXCCCKbLWn7Qh6 key : img value : stringRepresenting a celebration of the WAX Mainnet Launch in 2019 key : milestone value : stringWAX Mainnet Launch Pin key : name mutable_data : template_id : 415022 asset_id : 1099608420384 schema_name : milestones new_asset_owner : csxcommunity collection_name : waxpins |
d69c5db4bc... | 148430851 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 723 waxpusd 4416 |
efd18a632c... | 148430724 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 727 waxpusd 4437 |
0bbd572ffa... | 148430599 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 734 waxpusd 4483 |
832e85ae16... | 148430472 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 735 waxpusd 4491 |
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Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 738 waxpusd 4499 |
515c1624f5... | 148430219 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 735 waxpusd 4504 |
5d97c11705... | 148430096 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 737 waxpusd 4506 |
451649f27c... | 148429969 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 740 waxpusd 4511 |
0409858d74... | 148429846 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 739 waxpusd 4532 |
fe42d89fa0... | 148429716 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 741 waxpusd 4546 |
ff0f0e2156... | 148429592 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 748 waxpusd 4572 |
3ab6267ac9... | 148429466 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 751 waxpusd 4602 |
4c648445ce... | 148429342 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 759 waxpusd 4634 |
258a32a5dc... | 148429212 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 763 waxpusd 4651 |
a3594f402d... | 148429087 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 764 waxpusd 4677 |
2b6e88fe8d... | 148428963 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 762 waxpusd 4687 |
c65d7cf8b0... | 148428836 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 762 waxpusd 4692 |
a066deb835... | 148428709 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 760 waxpusd 4676 |
9aeadbd3a7... | 148428585 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 760 waxpusd 4676 |
14283dd2d3... | 148428454 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 758 waxpusd 4676 |
43c138e91e... | 148428328 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 759 waxpusd 4656 |
c7fc6f5708... | 148428213 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 762 waxpusd 4650 |
0ec04e46ff... | 148428089 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 765 waxpusd 4674 |
185766f99f... | 148427960 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 768 waxpusd 4715 |
c1ed900be4... | 148427834 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 768 waxpusd 4701 |
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Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 770 waxpusd 4723 |
67b7dc9e32... | 148427582 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 769 waxpusd 4709 |
12a52d7fbf... | 148427457 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 771 waxpusd 4721 |
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Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 771 waxpusd 4724 |
6b2d2dd715... | 148427205 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 772 waxpusd 4701 |
70827dd741... | 148427081 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 778 waxpusd 4759 |
0dbb452e80... | 148426952 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 781 waxpusd 4773 |
cae42c8150... | 148426826 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 780 waxpusd 4790 |
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Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 777 waxpusd 4791 |
96ab8a0c39... | 148426576 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 775 waxpusd 4766 |
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Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 776 waxpusd 4757 |
bcdd8b46d0... | 148426324 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 779 waxpusd 4770 |
2a0a42d847... | 148426198 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 782 waxpusd 4798 |
e7d9f64428... | 148426073 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 782 waxpusd 4793 |
a602341756... | 148425946 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 782 waxpusd 4812 |
542efdd803... | 148425823 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 786 waxpusd 4800 |
f096fcac89... | 148425693 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 789 waxpusd 4816 |
1a7886fee6... | 148425568 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 790 waxpusd 4837 |
018f865b44... | 148425442 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 793 waxpusd 4840 |
5be6e76007... | 148425317 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 791 waxpusd 4874 |
a8bfda5b51... | 148425190 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 803 waxpusd 4935 |
a04d9b3f68... | 148425065 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 808 waxpusd 4956 |
446fcfdb65... | 148424937 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 807 waxpusd 4975 |
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Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 806 waxpusd 4956 |
a27cd4c53a... | 148424686 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 804 waxpusd 4932 |
ecac8f5d5f... | 148424559 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 808 waxpusd 4977 |
9d9a7fdee5... | 148424434 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 809 waxpusd 4988 |
85b98a46cd... | 148424308 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 805 waxpusd 4983 |
0efa3d2f67... | 148424182 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 793 waxpusd 4878 |
1af8c3b696... | 148424057 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 792 waxpusd 4865 |
388c3a185d... | 148423931 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 793 waxpusd 4866 |
fcfdb34d38... | 148423806 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 793 waxpusd 4861 |
6a48a1eab1... | 148423680 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 793 waxpusd 4869 |
8512085374... | 148423562 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 791 waxpusd 4882 |
9afdbcb7e9... | 148423425 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 790 waxpusd 4867 |
107df3eaf3... | 148423299 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 792 waxpusd 4854 |
d6696c8adb... | 148423173 |
Oracle: csxcommunity waxpbtc 795 waxpusd 4875 |